This week, our southern sister Sydney was lashed with wild weather; flash flooding, hail stones up to 6 cm in diameter, wind gusts up to 213km/h and most frighteningly a tornado. It is a stark reminder of the sudden wrath that mother nature can bring upon us.
Severe weather is a natural part of living in Brisbane’s sub-tropical climate. Every year, Brisbane experiences severe weather and it’s important to take the time to prepare your family, pets and property. The following tips offer advice on what you should have in your emergency kit and how to stay safe before, during and after a severe weather event.
Prepare for storms
Before the storm season begins, prepare an emergency kit and trim tree branches well clear of your house. If your property has large trees that are not protected under Council’s Natural Assets Local Law 2003, arrange for an arborist to carry out a check-up. You should also:
- check and clean your roof, gutters and downpipes
- identify loose objects in your yard and on your balcony, such as outdoor furniture and toys that will have to be put away or secured if a storm approaches
- have a supply of plastic shopping bags to use as sand bags for emergency storm water diversion
- have masking tape and plastic sheeting or large garbage bags available for emergency rain protection
- familiarise your household with the following tips and information when a storm strikes
Download the Flooding in Brisbane – A guide for residents (PDF – 3.54MB), or view this information online.
Find the location of Council depots for the collection of free pre-filled sandbags.
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Watch a video on how to prepare for the storm season
Storm emergency kit
Prepare an emergency kit with these suggested items:
- a portable battery operated radio and torch with fresh or spare batteries and bulb
- a list of Brisbane radio stations for emergency information
- candles with waterproof matches or a gas lantern
- reasonable stocks of fresh water and tinned or dried food
- a first aid kit and basic first aid knowledge
- good supplies of essential medication
- strong shoes and rubber gloves
- a waterproof bag for clothing and valuables – put valuables and certificates in the bag and put the bag in a safe place
- a list of your emergency contact numbers
- a car charger for your mobile phone
Try Council’s new online home readiness checklist to see if your property is ready for a storm or severe weather event.
You can also read more information on how to prepare your property for summer storms on the Energex website.
Alternatively, download the:
Find out more information about emergency kits for a home or business.
Watch a video on how to prepare your own emergency kit
As the storm approaches
When a severe storm approaches, make sure you have your mobile phone close by, and it has a fully charged battery. Listen to a local Brisbane radio station for information and disconnect all electrical appliances. Place your vehicles under cover or cover with tarpaulins or blankets. Shelter and secure your pets and animals.
When the storm strikes
When a severe storm strikes, stay inside, keep away from windows and remain in the strongest part of the house, which is usually the bathroom or cellar. If you are outdoors, find emergency shelter and do not stand under trees.
You should:
- listen to your portable radio for storm updates
- if driving, stop clear of trees, power lines and creeks
- avoid using the telephone during the storm
Find more information in our online safety during a severe weather event fact sheet.
After the storm passes
After the storm has passed, listen to your local radio for official warnings and advice. If you need emergency assistance, phone
- 000 (triple zero) – for life threatening emergencies
- the State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500 – for temporary roof repairs or sandbagging
If you don’t need help, check if your neighbours do.
It’s important after a storm to:
- check your house for damage
- stay away from fallen power lines. Report all fallen power lines to Energex on 13 19 62
- beware of damaged buildings, trees and flooded watercourses
- be available to help neighbours if required
To report power interruptions, phone Energex on 13 62 62.